What Services We Provide

“working together with your lawyers, accountants,

trustees and investment managers to ensure your investment

portfolio is managed appropriately to meet your needs”

Make An Appointment

Find an investment manager

There are currently over 160 firms in the UK alone who offer investment management to private clients. This does not include the countless number of IFAs who offer investment advice. Trying to find the most appropriate investment manager for your specific needs can therefore be a daunting prospect.

We can help you in this process, saving you time and helping you to make what is such an important decision for you and your family.

Investment performance analysis and monitoring service

It is estimated that there are now over 500,000 families in the UK with investment portfolios of over £1m. If you are one of these, and employ an investment manager or IFA to manage this money on your behalf, the chances are that you are paying them over £10,000 pa in fees. If you have significantly more wealth, the table below illustrates what you may be paying.

£10m £80,000 pa
£25m £175,000 pa
£50m £300,000 pa
£100m £500,000 pa

  • Are you getting value for money?
  • Is your investment manager’s performance being independently monitored?
  • Have they been issued with professionally produced Investment Mandates?
  • What Benchmarks are you measuring their performance against?
  • Is your investment portfolio still constructed appropriately to meet the current needs of you and your family?
  • Is your portfolio held within the most appropriate tax structure?

These are just some of the issues we would be looking at as part of our initial free review service.

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07767 310385




Kemp House, 152-160 City Road, London, EC1V 2NX